Who we are

My name is Dorali Fernández, journalist and teacher, graduated in Venezuela. I love connecting with people, share opinions, discover new things, and listen closely to people life experiences.
CasaPan was born from the imminent necessity manifested by a large group of people that wished to eat a bread that’s truly healthy. A bread that is free of Gluten, no refined sugars, no dairy, plus a bread that is low in calories and carbohydrates with a high nutritional value.
CasaPan started out in 2019 under my control. From where did this idea come from? I have been in the food business for a long time with my other company Global Event Agency which specializes in catering. Thus, having direct contact with many of my customers, I discovered their want and need to eat healthy. That necessity grew even more with the Covid-19 Pandemic. The search for health and well-being was increased exponentially and something that people wanted to keep eating was bread. A bread that’s sincerely Healthy and Artisanal, which provides multiple benefits to aid your integral health.

After listening to the people, CasaPan developed its own recipes and launched with determination to serve the people with the endeavor for health and well-being. For one year and a half I experimented with the recipes, improving each time for each product, to reach that Bread that would satisfy everyone in the family. I started selling my breads to family members, friends and neighbors.
As the demanding grew for my healthy and flavorful breads, comes in my son Gilberto. A young man that has those interests in eating healthy and keeping a balanced diet. Having that general want for well-being it was easy for him to fall in love with the concept that CasaPan has set out to be. Communicating with passion and conviction the purpose of our breads in a way that only he can; supporting his mom in this adventure whose essential goal is to provide health and well-being to each of those that eat our breads. For a year and one half we had been doing tasting in many health-oriented markets and stores. There, with each experience we had with the public and their concerns, and that phrase that we heard so much: “I don’t want to stop eating bread, but I can’t eat anything with Gluten”, is where CasaPan open a path for a more ambitious market: Artisan Farmers’ Markets. The experiences in those markets have been phenomenal! The direct connection with the people that approach our stand to taste and love any of our 12 flavors of bread that we displayed, is by far the most suitable and effective way for people to know of us and our breads.
Thankfully, we have been growing within these Farmers’ Markets and reaching more people that become loyal customers. Alongside that demand for those types of breads, another demand was surging from our customers that want Vegan Breads, so we decided to full dive into the vegan world and make our own recipes. We offered them to our community’ and we got the best feedback to our Vegan line. Listening what people have to say about our breads is more than gratifying. For us in CasaPan the health of our customers is fundamental. A satisfied customer brings us pride and motivates us to continue working with care, dedication, and love in our products.